Fuse UBR-M75P1 is assigned for the safely activating hand grenade BR-M75.

Datasheet UBR-M75P1  (PDF, 216 KB)
This product is also listed in:  Grenades


Length90 mm
Weight57 g
Delay time3 - 4.4 s
Cotter pin pull force68 - 177 N
Operating temperaturefrom -30°C to +50°C
UN Number0106
ADR Number1.1B


Fuse (when is delivered separately) is packed and it is transported with winded up cap (poss.3) in not hermetical wooden boxes. The fuses could be packed also in hermetical package, if that is required by buyer. When the fuse is delivering complete with grenade then it is packed altogether with grenade in hermetical plastic boxes, and then in the wooden box.

Shelf life

10 years assembled on grenade and in above notified storing conditions.

Keep on dry place, in the warehouse with good ventilation on the temperature from -20°C to +30°C.